
Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd.

Advertisement for the post of the Chief Executive Officer

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of the Chief Executive Officer, Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. The detail information for requisite Qualification, experience, age etc. and Terms & Conditions can be read/downloaded from the following download links:

Issue date: 30-06-2014
Opening Date: 31-07-2014 11:30 am
Last Date: 31-07-2014 11:30 am


Corrigendum in connection with Tender Notice No.D.11014/CSS/FSL/14-DGP/32 Dt. 29.5.2014 on Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). 1. Under specification point No.4, sub-section called 'Quadrupole Mass Analyser', the sentence - "The main Quadrupole rods should be non-coated, homogeneous, Molybdenum and cleanable" must be omitted. 2. Under specification point No.4,sub-section called 'Chemical Ionization' and its content should be omitted. 3. Under specification point No. 6, 'Column', the existing columns should be changed with the following 4 (four) columns:- (i) 5MS - 30m x 0.25mm id x 0.25um - General applications, pesticides, drugs of abuse, PAH, etc. (ii) WAXMS A - 30Mm x 0.25mm id x .025um - Organic Acids, Free fatty Acids, alcohols. (iii) 624 - 30m x 0.32mm id x 1.8um - Blood Alcohol. (iv) WAX MS - 30m x 0.25mm id x 0.25um - Flavour and essential oils, FAMES, Solvent, etc. 4. Under specification point No. 8, 'Accessories / Pre-requisites', the sentence - "Methane Cylinders (10 Litres capacity each) (For CI Operation) - High pure with double stage regulator", must be omitted. Last date of submission is extended on 11.7.2014.

Issue date: 26-06-2014
Opening Date: 07-07-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 11-07-2014 06:30 am
Land Revenue & Settlement

Corrigendum for Short Sealed Tender Notice Dt. 20.5.2014

The list of items for supply mentioned in the short sealed tender notice vide No.D.15014/2/2014NLRMP(REV)dated 20th May, 2014 are corrected as shown in the document.

Issue date: 29-05-2014
Opening Date: 17-06-2014 09:30 am
Last Date: 17-06-2014 08:30 am


Sealed tenders are invited in two bid systems i.e. Technical Bid and Price/Commercial bid by the undersigned from the manufacturers, authorized distributors for purchase of following item(s) through registered post or these can be put personally in the sealed tender box kept in the Construction Branch of the office of the Director General of Police, Mizoram, Aizawl. FSL Equipments : 1. Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) with attached configuration - 1 no. 2. Digital Hot Plate - 2 nos. *Application fee - Rs.500/-(Non-refundable) *Earnest money - Rs. 5000 for non tribal tenderer & Rs. 2000 for tribal tenderer Details can be downloaded from the attachment

Issue date: 28-05-2014
Opening Date: 04-07-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 04-07-2014 06:30 am


GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM POLICE HEADQUARTERS :: AIZAWL ***** No.D.11014/CSS/RCE/13-14/DGP/93 Dated Aizawl, the 27th May, 2014. TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited in two bid systems i.e. Technical Bid and Price/Commercial bid by the undersigned from the manufacturers, authorized distributors for purchase of following item(s) through registered post or these can be put personally in the sealed tender box kept in the construction Branch of the office of the Director General of Police, Mizoram, Aizawl. Riot Control Equipments : 1. Body Protector with Leg & Arm Guard - 160 nos. 2. Polycarbonate Shield - 160 nos. 3. Polycarbonate Stick - 150 nos. 4. Riot Helmet - 150 nos. Application fee - Rs. 500/- (Non-refundable) Earnest money - Rs. 3000 for non tribal tenderer & Rs. 1000 for tribal tenderer TERMS & CONDITIONS The specifications of required items are enclosed with this notice. Tenderers are advised to quote their Rate after careful study of the tender specifications as well as the following terms and conditions:- 1. Separate envelope should be used for TECHNICAL BID as well as for PRICE BID. The word "TECHNICAL BID/PRICE BID for purchase of Riot Control Equipments due to open on 01.07.2014 at 2:00 P.M shall be prominently marked on the top of the envelope separately. Both these bids shall further be put in one envelope and sealed properly before putting in the tender Box duly super scribed. Tenderer(s) shall indicate complete specifications and all features of the Security items. 2. Tender envelop(s) must be sealed and super scribed "TENDER FOR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS" which shall be addressed to Director General of Police, Mizoram. 3. The tenders should reach the office of Director General of Police latest by 1200 hrs on 01.07.2014. 4. The Technical Bids will be opened first on 01.07.2014 at 2:00 PM and the PRICE BIDS will be opened only after scrutiny of technical bid and technical evaluation of the system. 5. All the bidders whose technical bid is declared qualified by the Purchase Committee will demonstrate their product before the Technical Evaluation Committee at a short notice. 6. Only manufacturers, authorized distributors / authorized dealers can participate in the tender, the firm should submit proof of their manufacturing, authorized dealership / distributor. This is subject to verification if necessary. 7. Only sales tax/VAT payee agencies are eligible to fill this tender. Interested agencies shall quote their sale tax number/Tin Number of VAT in their quotation and also attach documentary proof of having registered for the sale of such store/items etc. with the technical bid. 8. Latest/current sales tax clearance certificate or latest VAT Return filed issued from the sales tax/VAT department in English on the enclosed prescribed proforma must be attached with technical bid. 9. The application fee which is to be paid by cash is non refundable. 10. Incomplete tender/conditional tenders will not be accepted. 11. All SSI units registered with NSIC/DGS&D for this item as per specification are exempted from the EMD. They have to enclose valid registration document /exemption certificate with their tender. 12. No tender will be accepted without requisite E.M.D. as mentioned in tender notice. The E.M.D. shall be in the shape of A/C Payee Demand Draft in favour of Director General of Police, Mizoram payable at Aizawl. The EMD can also be submitted either in the shape of FDR, Banker’s cheque or Bank Guarantee. No interest will be given on E.M.D. 13. Tenderer would not be permitted to alter or modify their bids after expiry of the deadline for receipt of Bids. 14. The quoted price must be inclusive of all taxes such as excise, sale tax/VAT and other charges etc.. No claim for taxes/charges will be entertained at a later stage. Nothing over and above the quoted price would be payable to the successful bidder. Tenderer must quote the net price both in words as well as in figures. Any over writing/cutting etc. render the tender invalid. 15. The firm whose rates are accepted will have to deposit 2% of the total cost of the item as Performance Security in the shape of Bank Draft//Bank Guarantee FDR in favour of Director General of Police, Mizoram before the supply order is placed to the firm. In case, the firm does not complete the supply within the delivery period,liquidated damage charges will be charged @ 2% of total cost per month of the item and action will be taken to blacklisting the firm and forfeiture of its Security money. No interest will be given on Security Money. 16. In case the firm fails to deposit the security money, the EMD of the firm will be forfeited. 17. The tenderer can remain present himself or his authorize representative at the time of opening of tender. 18. The purchase committee, in order to satisfy itself can order on the spot enquiry to verify the soundness & capability of the item and any other information given by the tendering firms. 19. The rates will be valid till supply of the item is completed, in all respect. 20. The rates will be F.O.R. at Aizawl - 796001 21. In case the firm fails to supply the item within stipulated delivery period, the item will be procured from the open market and the difference of cost, if any, will be recovered from the Security Money and pending bills of the defaulting firm, by calling explanation after issuing notice. 22. The quantity of the items mentioned in the tender notice can be increased or decreased, at any stage till the delivery of consignment is completed. 23. Tenderer(s) shall indicate complete specifications and all features of the security items. 24. All the firms participating in the Tender must submit a list of their owners/partners etc. and a Certificate to the effect that the firm is neither blacklisted by any Govt. Department nor any Criminal Case is registered against the firm or its owner or partners anywhere in India. 25. The payment will be made on receipt/acceptance of store in good condition as per prescribed specification. No advance payment will be made. 26. No claim for interest in case of delayed payment will be entertained by the Department. 27. A copy of terms and conditions duly signed by the tenderer, as a token of acceptance of the same should be attached alongwith the tender. 28. The Purchase Committee reserves the right to relax any terms and condition in the govt, interest, with the approval of competent authority. 29. The purchase committee reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. 30. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Aizawl. 31. Foreign Companies shall participate in the tender, only through their Distributors / Agent in India. No foreign company shall be entertained directly. 32. In case of violation of any clause of contract/agreement deed, the explanation of the firm can be called by issuing show cause notice, if the reply is not found satisfactory. Security money can be forfeited as well as action for blacklisting can also be taken prior to taking any legal action. 33. The tender will be rejected straight way without assigning any reasons if the firm involves in any criminal case, declared black listed by any Govt. / Semi govt, department / agencies etc. 34. In case of any differences, the firm can be called for negotiation to patch up the differences on table prior to approaching court. 35. The tendering firm will also submit a certificate that the product offered by them is as per technical specifications of the tender. 36. The bidder should carry a warranty/guarantee of subjected store for a period of at least one year. 37. The Price bid should be in accordance with the format as at Annexure~A. 38. Rate for Annual Maintenance Contract after expiry of a guaranty period of one year may also be quoted for the items which require Annual Maintenance. sd/- (NEIHCHUNGNUNGA)AIGP-II for Director General of Police Mizoram, Aizawl No.D.11014/CSS/RCE/13-14/DGP/93 Dated Aizawl, the 27th May, 2014. Copy to:- 1. The Director, I&PR, Mizoram, Aizawl publication in 2 leading local News paper for 2 days in short form as per the enclosed notice. 2. Officer-in-Charge, Mizoram Police Website for uploading the Tender Notice. 3. Notice Board. sd/- (NEIHCHUNGNUNGA)AlGP-II for Director General of Police Mizoram, Aizawl Details are available in the attachment in pdf format

Issue date: 26-05-2014
Opening Date: 01-07-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 01-07-2014 06:30 am
Power & Electricity

Tender Notice

Sealed tenders are invited from reputed firms having good experience in repairing of Power & Distribution transformers, affixing non-refundable court fee stamp worth Rs.8.25 (Rupees eight and twenty five paise) only in case of non-tribal tenderers and valid House Tax Payee Certificate in case of tribal tenderers for repair/renovation of various capacities of Distribution and Power Transformers.

Issue date: 21-05-2014
Opening Date: 08-07-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 08-07-2014 07:30 am
Land Revenue & Settlement

Short Sealed Tender

Short Sealed Tender are invited from authorised Dealer/Agent who will follow the Terms and Condition for supply of Dual frequency GPS, Desktop PC HP Pavillion, Copier Machine with 2KV Stabilizer with specification as shown in the attachment.

Issue date: 19-05-2014
Opening Date: 03-06-2014 09:30 am
Last Date: 03-06-2014 08:30 am
No : B 11011/29/2014-NHM/MSHS/SPMU
Health & Family Welfare

Corrigendum for Tender Notice Dt. 17.4.2014

This is to inform to all concerned that tender terms & conditions vide No. B.11011/29/2014-NHM/MSHS/SPMU Dt. 17.4.2014 for extension of medical gas pipeline at Obstretics and Gynaecology new builidng and Paediatric NICU at Civil Hospital, Aizawl is modified as follows. This supersedes the previous tender terms & conditions. Date and time for submission and opening of tender remains unchanged.

Issue date: 05-05-2014
Opening Date: 30-05-2014 07:30 am
Last Date: 30-05-2014 06:30 am
No. 926/2/13-E-in-C(PD)/14
Power & Electricity

Notice Inviting Tender

Sealed tenders from reputed firms/constructors registered with Central/State/Public Sector Organization (including joint venture organization) for similar works and having adequate experience for the work of Construction of 132kV Single Circuit Transmission Line on Tower Melriat Sub-Station to Lunglei Sub-Station on a turnkey basis (i.e. supply of tower, conductor, accessories, erection and stringing complete including jungle clearance etc. required for the work).

Issue date: 03-03-2014
Opening Date: 02-05-2014 07:30 am
Last Date: 02-05-2014 06:30 am
Environment,Forests & Climate Change

Quatation Notice

Sealed Quatations of minimum price per unit of each items are hereby invited for supply of the following items under Environment & Forests Department, Government of Mizoram which will be received upto 1300 Hrs on 21.02.14 and will opened on the same day at 1330 Hrs.

Issue date: 11-02-2014
Opening Date: 21-02-2014 08:00 am
Last Date: 21-02-2014 07:30 am
Environment,Forests & Climate Change

Quatation Notice

Sealed Quatations of minimum price per unit of each items are hereby invited for supply of the following items under Environment & Forests Department, Government of Mizoram which will be received upto 10:30 Hrs on 21.02.14 and will opened on the same day at 11:00 Hrs.

Issue date: 11-02-2014
Opening Date: 21-02-2014 05:30 am
Last Date: 21-02-2014 05:00 am
Environment,Forests & Climate Change

Short Quotation Notice

Sealed Quatations of minimum price per unit of each items are hereby invited for supply of the following items to Deputy Conservator of Forests (WL), Wildlife Division, Aizawl which will be received upto 1030 Hrs on 12th February, 2014 and will be opened on the same day at 1100 Hrs.

Issue date: 04-02-2014
Opening Date: 05-02-2014 03:30 am
Last Date: 12-02-2014 05:00 am
B.15011/3/2010-DTE (AH&V)
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Seal Tender

Sealed Tender are invited for supply of slaughter equipment for Rural Slaughter House, at Champhai an Turnkey Basis. Detail can be had from Directorate Office during Office working hours on payment of Rs. 50/-

Issue date: 03-02-2014
Opening Date: 26-02-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 26-02-2014 06:30 am
Superintendent Engineer, Mizoram SLDC Circle

Notice Inviting Tender

Sealed tenders in duplicate from reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealers affixing non-refundable court fee stamp worth Rs.8.25 (Rupees eight and twenty five paise) only in case of non-tribal tenderers and valid house tax payee certificate in case of tribal tenderers for design, manufacture, testing, inspection and supply of 132kV/33kV Instrument Transformers

Issue date: 27-01-2014
Opening Date: 04-03-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 04-03-2014 07:30 am
System Operation

Tender Notice

Sealed Tenders are invited, on behalf of Governor of Mizoram, by the Chief Engineer (SO), P&E, Mizoram, Aizawl from reputed Manufacturers or their Authorised Dealers for supply of Vehicle-mounted Hydraulic Crane with complete accessories and Trailer-mounted 30kVA, 3-ph, 415V, noiseless standby DG sets with complete accessories having specification as specified in the Tender Document

Issue date: 14-01-2014
Opening Date: 17-02-2014 08:30 am
Last Date: 17-02-2014 06:30 am