
Environment,Forests & Climate Change



Issue date: 19-12-2012
Opening Date: 20-12-2012 08:30 am
Last Date: 03-01-2013 10:30 am
Environment,Forests & Climate Change

Short notice for Expression of Interest (EoI)

Implementation of Project “Capacity Development for Forest Management and Personnel Training”.

Issue date: 18-12-2012
Opening Date: 19-12-2012 10:30 am
Last Date: 31-12-2012 10:30 am
Irrigation & Water Resources Department

Short Quotation Notice for supply of Survey Instruments

Sealed Short Quotation in prescribed forms are invited from Manufacturers or Authorised Dealers appointed for the State of Mizoram for Supply of various Surver Instruments as mentioned below: 1. Hand held GPS 2. Mini Drafter 3. Binoculars 4. Survey Umbrella 5. Measuring Tape 6. Leveling Staff 7. Survey Plane Table 8. Reinforce Plain Table Sheet 9. Digital Planimeter 10. Water Current Meter 11. Automatic Level Detail Specifications, term & conditions and prescribed quotation forms costing Rs. 200.00 may be obtained from the Office of the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation Department, during working hours (i.e. 9:30am - 4:00pm) on office working days.

Issue date: 06-12-2012
Opening Date: 15-01-2013 07:30 am
Last Date: 15-01-2013 06:30 am
Irrigation & Water Resources Department

Short Quotation Notice for supply of Total Stations

Sealed Short Quotation in prescribed forms are invited from Manufacturers or Authorised Dealers appointed for the State of Mizoram for Supply of 2Nos of Total Stations Detail Specifications, term & conditions and prescribed quotation forms costing Rs. 500.00 may be obtained from the Office of the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation Department, during working hours (i.e. 9:30am - 4:00pm) on office working days.

Issue date: 06-12-2012
Opening Date: 15-01-2013 07:30 am
Last Date: 15-01-2013 06:30 am
S/PHQ/QUO/DGP-2012/Vol-II/6 Dated Aizawl, the 16th Nov., 2012

Short Quotation Notice

Short quotation on plain paper are hereby invited from the bonafide dealers/approved agents for supply and installation of EPABX system as appended herewith at Annexure A. Quotations will be received upto 30.11.2012 by the DGP(M) or his representatives and will be opened on the same date at 12:30 PM. The tenderers or their representatives may be present at the time of opening of the tender, if they so desire. 1. 50 Lines EPABX system for 2nd Bn MAP, Lunglei 2. 28 Lines EPABX system for S.P. Lunglei

Issue date: 15-11-2012
Opening Date: 30-11-2012 07:00 am
Last Date: 30-11-2012 07:00 am
B.15011/4/2010-DTE (AH&V)
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Tender Notice for Build, Own & Operate (BOO) 1 Hatchery Farm

Sealed Tenders is hereby invited on behalf of Government of Mizoram from Registered Poultry Entrepreneurs or Authorized Parties for Build, Own & Operate (BOO) 1 Hatchery Farm at Tanhril for production of 41000 Layer D.O.C monthly. Details can be had from Office of the Directorate of AH & Vety, during office hours till 19th November, 2012

Issue date: 15-11-2012
Opening Date: 11-12-2012 08:30 am
Last Date: 11-12-2012 06:30 am
Agriculture (R&E)


The opening date for sealed tender No.DD(R&E)/AGRI/2012-13/1 for supply of Training Aids floated vide letter No.G.25021/1/2011-DTE(AGR-R&E) Dt. 23.10.2012 should be read as 19th November, 2012 instead of 12th November, 2012. The time and venue of opening the tender will remain the same.

Issue date: 11-11-2012
Opening Date: 19-11-2012 09:00 am
Last Date: 19-11-2012 06:30 am
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Invitation of tender for supply, erection and installation of Furniture & Electronic Equipments

Sealed retenders is hereby invited for supply, erection and installation of various Furniture and Electronic Equipments for Veterinary Polyclinic at Aizawl to be submitted to the Director, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Government of Mizoram, Aizawl. Details can be had from Office of the Director, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Government of Mizoram, Aizawl during office hours and Department website- www.ahvety.mizoram.gov.in

Issue date: 07-11-2012
Opening Date: 29-11-2012 08:30 am
Last Date: 29-11-2012 06:30 am
FS/M&E/PLAN/12/1464 Dt/1st Nov '12

Supply of Fire fighting equipments

Sealed tender is hereby invited from authorized manufacturers/dealers for supply of fire fighting equipments for strengthening of Fire & Emergency Services. 1. Air Cylinder (Steel) - 8 nos. 2. Multipurpose hand control nozzles - 20 nos. 3. 4-Layered Fireman Glove, heat resistant - 100 nos. 4. Portable inflatable light tower - 5 nos. 5. Vehicle mounted lighting tower - 5 nos. 6. Maglite Rechargeable Torchlight - 10 nos.

Issue date: 31-10-2012
Opening Date: 16-11-2012 07:30 am
Last Date: 16-11-2012 06:30 am
TENDER NOTICE NO : 1 of - U.D (P) - DTE (UD&PA) 2012 - 2013
Urban Development & Poverty Allevation (UD&PA)

Construction of Type-II and type-IV Quarters (Semi RCC building) at Champhai

The undersigned on behalf of Governor of Mizoram invites sealed Tender affixing Court Fee Stamp worth of Rs 7.50p (Rupees seven and fifty paise) only in case of Non Tribal Tenderers or upto date House Tax Payee Certificates (HTPC) issued by Revenue Department, Government of Mizoram in case of Tribal tenderers, for execution of the work mentioned below and will be received up to 12:00 noon on 20.11.2012 and shall be opened on the same day at 1:00pm in the office chamber of the undersigned. Group no 1. Name of work : Construction of Type-II Quarters (Semi RCC Building) at Champhai Tender Amount/Estimate Amount: 10,00,000.00 Time for completion of work: 6months Group no 2. Name of work: Construction of Type-IV Quarters (Semi RCC Building) at Champhai Tender Amount/Estimate amount: 15,00,000.00 Time for completion of work: 6 months Details may be had from the undersigned during office working hours from Dt 12.11.12 - 20.11.12 LT Lalrinmawia Executive Engineer Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Deptt. Mizoram : Aizawl

Issue date: 30-10-2012
Opening Date: 20-11-2012 07:30 am
Last Date: 20-11-2012 06:30 am
No.P-13012/2/12-E-in-C(PM)/50 dt 31.10.2012
Power & Electricity

Tender for Conductor

No.P-13012/2/12-E-in-C(PM)/50: The Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department on behalf of Governor of Mizoram, invites sealed tenders from reputed Manufacturers or Authorized dealers affixing non-refundable court fee stamp worth Rs.8.25 (Rupees eight and twenty five paise) only in case of non-tribal tenderers and valid house tax payee Certificate in case of tribal tenderers for ACSR Racoon Conductors. Tender bids as per tender specification will be received upto 12.00hrs on 23.11.2012 and will be opened on the same date at 13.00hrs. Detail may be had from EE (Design and Monitoring) in the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs.1,000.00 (Rupees one thousand) only (Non-refundable) on any working day by Cash/Demand Draft/Deposit at Call from State Bank of India, Dawrpui Branch, Aizawl in favour of Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram. Tender documents may also be downloaded from www.tender.mizoram.gov.in and the cost deposited at the time of submission of bid.

Issue date: 30-10-2012
Opening Date: 22-11-2012 06:30 pm
Last Date: 22-11-2012 06:30 pm

Short Quotation Notice

Sealed quotation are hereby reinvited for sale of Department condemned vehicle which is lying at MT Garage 5th IR Bn. Lungverh as shown below- Regn. No. - MZ 01A-6908 Type - SUMO Book Value - Rs. 32,571/- Quotation will be received by the undersigned on or before 14.11.2012(Wednesday) upto 12:00 noon and will be opened on the same day at 1:00 PM. The quotationer or his/her representative may be present at the time of opening of the quotation, if so desired. Sd/- (C.LALNUNMAWIA) MPS Principal Police Training Centre Thenzawl, Mizoram

Issue date: 29-10-2012
Opening Date: 14-11-2012 07:30 am
Last Date: 14-11-2012 06:30 am
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Quotation Notice for Supply of equipments under RKVY

Short Quotation are invited for supply of the foolowing items under RKVY 1. Poultry defeathering/processing equipments - Rs. 22.595 lakhs 2. Hatching eggs (Kalinga brown/Keystone brown) - Rs. 25 lakhs 3. Compound feed, (Poultry, Pig) - Rs. 30 lakhs Tender Form can be obtained from Office of the Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Aizawl during Office hours.

Issue date: 24-10-2012
Opening Date: 14-11-2012 08:30 am
Last Date: 14-11-2012 06:30 am
Ref. No.B.13017/4/(ICT)/2012-DTE(SCERT)
State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT)

supply & installation of Computer Systems & Accessories, Projector and Generator etc.,

Sealed Quotations in prescribed form are invited from bonafide manufacturers/ distributors or dealers by Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Mizoram, for supply & installation of Computer Systems & Accessories, Projector and Generator etc., under ICT @ School Scheme as per the detailed specification and configuration indicated at Annexure – l. Tender will be received by the Director of State Council of Educational Research and Training, Mizoram, Aizawl upto 9th November, 2012 till 11 a.m. and will be opened on the same day at 12 noon.

Issue date: 22-10-2012
Opening Date: 08-11-2012 06:30 pm
Last Date: 08-11-2012 06:30 pm
Agriculture (R&E)

Tender Notice for Supply Laptop, Projector & Screen and P.A. System.

Sealed Tender in prescribed forms are invited from the Manufacturers/Authorised Dealers for Supply of the Laptop, LCD Projector, LCD Projector Screen and Stereo P.A. System. Items specification are mentioned in the Tender Notice. Details and prescribed forms can be obtained from the Directorate of Agriculture (R&E), Aizawl during Office hours on all working days.

Issue date: 22-10-2012
Opening Date: 12-11-2012 09:00 am
Last Date: 12-11-2012 06:30 am