
Memo No G.24017/2/2014-DTE(MVW), Dt. 16.5.2017

Notice Inviting Tender (Breathe Analyzers)

Transport Department, Government of Mizoram intends to purchase Breathe Analyzers for use in Transport Department Offices in Mizoram.

Issue date: 15-05-2017
Opening Date: 02-06-2017 05:30 am
Last Date: 31-05-2017 11:30 am
Power & Electricity Department (Office of Engineer-in Chief)

Notice Inviting Tender

The Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram invites sealed tenders for Client membership of Power Exchange - Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) and PXIL(Power Exchange India Ltd) from traders having valid Inter State Trading License issued by CERC, Membership of both Power Exchanges and having past experience of consultancy / trading in Power Exchanges on behalf of State Power Utilities to Enable PEDM for Sale/purchase of power during surplus/deficit period through exchanges for the year 2017-18: 1. Last date and time of submission of tender Document - 26-05-2017, 12:00 PM 2. Date and time of opening of tender document - 26-05-2017, 1:00 PM 3. Earnest money Deposit. Rs. 100,000/- 4. Cost of Specification Rs. 1,000/- The tender documents is available at Government of Mizoram website https://tender.mizoram.gov.in / www.power.mizoram.gov.in or can be obtained from Executive Engineer (Commercial Branch), office of the Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department, during office hours from 16-05-2017 onwards on payment of Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) in the shape of Demand Draft only, in favour of ‘Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram’ and payable at SBI, Dawrpui Branch, Aizawl, Mizoram.

Issue date: 14-05-2017
Opening Date: 26-05-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 26-05-2017 06:30 am
No.B.16011/43/2016-DTE (AGR-AGRO), Dated 11th May,2017
Agriculture (Crop Husbandry)


Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from Insurance Companies empanelled by DAC & FW, Govt. of India for selection as Implementing Agency (IA) for ‘Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in the state of Mizoram for the Kharif season of 2017 which will be received by the Director of Agriculture, Crop Husbandry, Mizoram, Aizawl on or before 31.5.2017 upto 12:00 noon under the terms & conditions give below. Quotation will be opened by the Director of Agriculture, Crop Husbandry or his authorized representatives at 1:00 P.M on the same day. More details can be obtained from the Agronomy Section, Directorate of Agriculture, Crop Husbandry, Aizawl, Mizoram and website www.agriculturemizoram.nic.in.

Issue date: 10-05-2017
Opening Date: 31-05-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 31-05-2017 06:30 am
1 of VE/RMSA/2017
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA)

Tender of Computer and its peripheral

The State Project Director, Mizoram RMSA Mission Society invites "Expression of Interest" from a reliable company/Agent/Distributor dealing with computer and its peripheral for supply of Computer & its peripheral to 11 Vocational Education Schools.

Issue date: 30-04-2017
Opening Date: 28-05-2017 07:30 pm
Last Date: 28-05-2017 07:30 pm
Power & Electricity Department (Office of Engineer-in Chief)

Notice Inviting Tender

The Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department, Govt. of Mizoram, on behalf of Governor of Mizoram, invites sealed tenders in duplicate from reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealer for Design, Manufacture, Supply, testing and commissioning of 5nos of 10MVA, 33/11kV Power Transformer. Details may be had from the Executive Engineer (Design & Monitoring) office of the Engineer-in-Chief (P&E) on any working day from the date of issue of this notice to dt. 31.05.2017 on payment of Rs.1000/- (non-refundable) in the shape of Demand Draft only, in favour of “Engineer-in-Chief, Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram” and payable at SBI, Dawrpui Branch, Aizawl, Mizoram only.

Issue date: 23-04-2017
Opening Date: 08-06-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 08-06-2017 06:30 am
Health & Family Welfare

Supply of teaching aid of ANM School for Lawngtlai

Seal tender are hereby invited as per the schedule annexed to this notice on behalf of Chairman, State Health Society Mizoram from reputed and bonafide manufacturer or their only authorised dealers, for supply of teaching aid of ANM School for Lawngtlai which will be received from Mission Director, NHM, Mizoram, Dinthar on or before 8.5.2017upto 12:00 Noon

Issue date: 05-04-2017
Opening Date: 08-05-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 08-05-2017 06:30 am
D. 11016/23/2016-MSeGS
Mizoram State e-Governance Society


This is to inform all prospective bidders for 'IT Education Programme for Schools in Mizoram' that the corrigendum is being made while the other terms remain the same.

Issue date: 09-03-2017
Opening Date: 16-03-2017 09:00 am
Last Date: 16-03-2017 08:30 am
D. 11016/23/2016-MSeGS
Mizoram State e-Governance Society


This is to inform all prospective bidders for 'IT Education Programme for Schools in Mizoram' that the corrigendum and clarification pertaining to the tender can be seen in Annexure.

Issue date: 05-03-2017
Opening Date: 16-03-2017 09:00 am
Last Date: 16-03-2017 08:30 am
Art & Culture

Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest is invited from interested Government Empanelled Consultancy Firms for execution of Project on 'Retrofitting of Vanapa Hall' Rs. 178.47Lakhs Details can be had from Directorate of Art & Culture Department, MC Donald Hill, Zarkawt, Aizawl. EOI may be submitted as per Terms of Reference to the Office of Director, Art & Culture Department on or before 17th March, 2017.

Issue date: 05-03-2017
Opening Date: 17-03-2017 11:30 am
Last Date: 17-03-2017 11:30 am
Health & Family Welfare


Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from reputed and bonafide Manufacturers or their authorized dealers, for Short tender for establishment of 2 (two) GNM school at Champhai and Kolasib upto 1:00 PM of 10.03.2017 and will be opened in Office Chamber of Director, Hospital & Medical Education at 3:00 PM on the same day. Details can be obtained from the office of the Director, Hospital & Medical Education, Dinthar, Aizawl during Office hour on all working days.

Issue date: 28-02-2017
Opening Date: 10-03-2017 09:30 am
Last Date: 10-03-2017 07:30 am
Health & Family Welfare


Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from reputed and bonafide Manufacturers or their authorized dealers, for Short Tender for Purchase of Hospital Equipment/Instruments and Furniture for State Referral Hospital, Falkawn under NEDP Project which will be received by the Director, Hospital & Medical Education, Dinthar, Aizawl on or before 10th March, 2017 upto 12:00 Noon under the terms and conditions laid down below. Quotations are to be opened by Director, Hospital & Medical Education or his authorized representatives at 1:00 PM on the same day. The Tenderers or their representatives may also be present at the time of opening of the Quotations, if they so desire.

Issue date: 27-02-2017
Opening Date: 10-03-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 10-03-2017 06:30 am
Health & Family Welfare

Purchase of Hospital Equipment & Furnitures for Referral Hospital, Falkawn

Short Tender for Purchase of Hospital Equipment/Instruments and Furniture for State Referral Hospital, Falkawn under NEDP Project

Issue date: 27-02-2017
Opening Date: 10-03-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 10-03-2017 06:30 am
Agriculture (Crop Husbandry)

Purchase of Laboratory Equipments under SMPMA 2016-17

Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from reputed and bonafide Manufacturers or their authorized dealers for 'Tender for Purchase of Laboratory Equipments under Strengthening and Modernization of Pest Management Approach during 2016-17' which will be received by the Director, Directorate of Agriculture (CH), Mizoram, Aizawl on or before 24.02.2017 upto 12:00pm. Quotation are to be opened by Director, Directorate of Agriculture (CH), or his authorized representatives at 1:00pm on the same day.

Issue date: 20-02-2017
Opening Date: 06-03-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 06-03-2017 06:30 am
Health & Family Welfare

Extension of Short Tender Notice

The last date for submission of Short Tender Notice for purchase of hospital instruments for district hospitals within Mizoram under NEDP Project

Issue date: 20-02-2017
Opening Date: 10-03-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 10-03-2017 06:30 am
Health & Family Welfare

Purchase of Instruments for Strengthening of Dental Department at Civil Hospital, Aizawl and District Hospitals

Sealed Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from reputed and bonafide Manufacturers or their authorized dealers, for Purchase of Instruments for Strengthening of Dental Department at Civil Hospital, Aizawl and District Hospitals in Mizoram which will be received by the Director, Hospital & Medical Education, Dinthar, Aizawl on or before 22.2.2017 upto 12:00 PM under the terms and conditions laid down below. Quotations are to be opened by Director, Hospital & Medical Education or his authorized representatives at 1:00 PM on the same day

Issue date: 14-02-2017
Opening Date: 22-02-2017 07:30 am
Last Date: 22-02-2017 06:30 am